In the era of social media, almost everything about life gets posted online. It’s a convenient “diary” for people taking note of eventful things happening to them. But, while you may want to share about your sister’s wedding or your fitness journey, lawyers may advise that you take a step back from social media sites when going through a divorce.
You may not be aware of it, but the things you publish online may be used against you in court. A photo or a status could make you lose child custody or reduce your spouse’s supposed alimony. Beware of these common social media mistakes that make divorce proceedings a lot more stressful.

Posting incriminating photos

It’s fine to publish photos of your adorable dogs online, but yourself partying and drinking with friends? That may not be a good depiction of a fit, responsible parent you want the judge to see. Before posting images, always consider how they appear to outsiders. If they don’t look good, it would be better to keep them off social media.

Beware of photos showing off luxuries, too. In divorce proceedings, both parties are required to disclose financial information — from income to properties down to debts. As you know, some aren’t honest about disclosures. Your ex-partner may have claimed that they’re not able to afford spousal support, but then posts lavish travels on social media. Ask any divorce attorney in Colorado Springs, CO, and they’ll tell you that your ex could be held accountable. You wouldn’t want to do the same yourself.

Ranting about your ex

Wife crying behind her husband

Social media is a platform for venting out. Often, there are no serious consequences when complaining about a lazy sibling or an annoying officemate. Unfortunately, it’s different when the subject is your ex-partner. This could depict you as unstable or untrustworthy. Worse, the judge may think that you’re creating uncomfortable situations, in which kids would feel resentment against the other parent. Obviously, that won’t be aligned to protecting the best interests of the children and could even threaten your parental rights.

However angry you are at your ex, don’t publish it online. Step away from social media and instead, seek advice and comfort from your loved ones. Better yet, turn that unpleasant energy into something productive. Pick up a new hobby. Enroll in a foreign language class. Spruce up your garden. These will not only soothe that anger but also give you a sense of fulfillment in the long run.

Finding new love

The divorce proceedings may not be over yet, but you’re perhaps on your way to starting anew, especially in the love department. You may be rekindling an old flame, chatting up with your high school sweetheart, or entertaining those who keep liking your pictures recently. While it’s true that you deserve to rediscover happiness in a new partner, doing so in the middle of a court battle won’t be helpful. It could be presented as having an affair in front of the judge.

But, say, you’re in a no-fault state like Colorado where adultery won’t be relevant. A new partner could be an important consideration in evaluating if there were marital assets used as part of the affair. The court may order you to repay the value of half of the money spent.

That said, try to hold off talking to suitors online, at least during the divorce. It will not only save you from a lot of legal headaches but also give you time to heal. You wouldn’t want to overwhelm the kids as well.

It’s tricky to be on social media when you’re going through a divorce. You have to be on guard on what to publish online. Think twice before hitting “post.” Don’t let a photo or tweet make the court proceeding anymore stressful than it is.

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